Test SKU's by product category, by brand, by placement and promotions, across stores, to uncover hidden sales opportunities.

Make Better Merchandising Decisions.

Leverage AI and Machine Learning to empower your retail staff to optimize your product marketing, merchandising and SKU management through A/B testing.Predict when stock will run out and pre-empt marketing disasters to seize hidden opportunities and make more sales.

Stop Guessing, Sell More, Sell Smarter.

Gain a competitive edge in your retail industry. Stay ahead of the curve, make informed decisions, and watch your business scale.Small changes really do make a difference and capitalizing on the micro data within your SKU's will allow you to grow your revenue and improve your customer experience.

Unnoticeable Opportunities.Our Algorithm Tips the Balance.


OBSKUER was founded in mid 2023 by a team with backgrounds in retail, entrepreneurship and software development.Our mission is to help stores understand hidden profit opportunities in their merchandising. We believe that the future of retail leverages smart algorithms and machine learning.

Join more than 50k Retailers.

Our Process

We utilize a tried and tested methodology to bring efficiency into your merchandising strategies.

An essential part of bringing a project to fruition is having a solid working process. We love to collaborate closely with our clients, to precisely understand their business needs and allow them to be in control of shaping their outcomes.

1. Onboarding

OBSKUER is well known for our fastidiousness when it comes to our extensively curated onboarding. We will work closely with your team to initiate and onboard your team effectively.

2. Execution

Once the analysis is complete, OBSKUER will implement the most appropriate strategies for your company to enhance the opportunities for success.

3. Ongoing Support

Our help and assistance doesn't stop there! Our team will be on hand every step of the way, with regular check-ins every couple of months, to make sure that our strategies are working as expected and to make any necessary adjustments to build on the current success.

Get In Touch for Demo

Are you interested in learning a little more about how OBSKUER works? Get in touch today and one of our data ninja's will be in touch ASAP.

Subscription Information

Small Store


  • Experience the core functionalities at $59 per month / per store.

  • Up to 8k worth of SKU's.

  • Unlock basic tools and resources to enhance your experience.

  • Enjoy reliable customer support to address any concerns or questions.

Medium Store


  • Gain access to advanced features for enhanced productivity and efficiency at only $149 per month / per store.

  • Track between 8k - 200k worth of SKU's.

  • Unlock additional resources and tools to maximize your results.

Large Store


  • Access exclusive premium content, resources, and advanced tools at just $299 per month per store.

  • Track over 200k worth of SKU's.

  • Enjoy 24/7 dedicated customer support for immediate assistance.

Leverage Machine Learning and AI

Our machine is too powerful and it will out run your team. The opportunities are that big. You choose the focus and depth your willing to chase and tame using the OBSKURE machine.Use our machine trained on billions of SKU's with the most advanced and mature pattern recognition.

Automate the workflow communication to align with your teams abilities and capacity.

Maximize the return of every SKU on the shelf and only giveaway margin discount when the pacing of a product decouples and needs invigoration.

Stop Leaving Your Money,
on the Table

Are you interested in learning a little more about how OBSKUER works? Get in touch today and one of our data ninja's will be in touch ASAP.

© OBSKUER. All rights reserved.


Our Team

OBSKUER has been in business since 2023 and has grown by maintaining a fierce commitment to adding value around every corner. Our 360 degree model brings ideas on the front end, evaluation on the back end, and clear communication and delivery all the way through.

Phil Elliott

OBSKUER has been in business since 2023 and has grown by maintaining a fierce commitment to adding value around every corner. Our 360 degree model brings ideas on the front end, evaluation on the back end, and clear communication and delivery all the way through.